Launchpad merge requests are not sent to the mailing list

Jonathan Lange jml at
Fri Jun 5 02:39:20 BST 2009

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 12:30 AM, Aaron Bentley <aaron at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jonathan Lange wrote:
>> 100% of the code review emails I receive are addressed directly to me.
>> I'm not interested in all of the branches that come through.
> That's strange.  I get tons of mail addressed to "Launchpad code
> reviewers <launchpad-reviews at>"
> Are you not subscribed to that list?

I am. However, I misreported my symptoms. I do get a fair bit of mail
addressed to launchpad-reviews, but also a lot of review mails
addressed directly to me, including reviews which have nothing to do
with me.

I'm keen on chasing this problem further, but am unsure if this is the
right forum. Should we take this to a bug or the launchpad-users list
or something?


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