Usage of bzr-hg plug-in

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Wed Jun 3 04:09:21 BST 2009

"Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:

> Because you invite it by your behavior.  Stop asking other people to
> report your bugs, and they'll stop referring to your aversion to
> paperwork, *both* one-off[1] and "cumulative maintenance".

That's a distortion. I report bugs in the most obvious forum where I can
use my existing identity: here. When people request that I also report
them elsewhere, I explain why that doesn't happen so no-one is left

I'm fine with continuing to report bugs here, or somewhere else if it
will both work with my existing identity *and* ensure the bug reports
are passed to the appropriate people.

 \        “Members of the general public commonly find copyright rules |
  `\        implausible, and simply disbelieve them.” —Jessica Litman, |
_o__)                                              _Digital Copyright_ |
Ben Finney

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