[rfc] bug handling priorities

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Jun 1 04:04:32 BST 2009

Ben Finney writes:

 > The issue with requiring a site-specific account is only marginally
 > about the initial setup time. The issue is primarily the ongoing
 > maintenance cost:

Which is zero with OpenID, and why *you* brought up OpenID in the
first place, no?

 > Posting to a moderated forum, on the other hand, is a cost borne
 > primarily by the moderator (so if you choose to perform moderation, you
 > have my thanks but it's not something I ask anyone to do), and there is
 > no ongoing cost to the poster: they don't have to do anything except
 > wait.

If you think waiting for for your question to show up on a forum is
costless, you must work for Customer Support in a Fortune 500 firm.

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