EOL support trouble in 1.15

Frits Jalvingh jal at etc.to
Thu May 28 22:48:30 BST 2009

Hello list,

I'm trying to get the new EOL conversion support to work on my existing 
repostories but am running into some trouble.

Initially I could not get the filters to work at all. I created a shared 
repository using init-repo --1.14-rich-root, then branched an existing repo 
into there. Whatever I did in that repo - no filter action was taking place.

After some debugging I found out that not only the shared repo needs a proper 
format but the branched repo needs a higher format too... It used working tree 
format 4 while at least 5 was needed... That was not very clear to me (first 
time I ever encountered a working tree format) - it might be a good idea to at 
least put that in the reference documentation.
It might also be a good idea to at least show a warning when someone tries to 
use EOL filtering while the underlying format(s) do not support it - it now 
failed without any indication and that was hard to debug; I only found out 
about this after lavishly sprinkling print statements thru the bazaar source 
code ;-)

OK, now filtering works but I have something unexpected. I'm running on Linux, 
and all of my filtered files have been commited using lf eols (in the 

So, as a test, I added eol = crlf to the rules file for all files and branched. 
The result was a filtered working tree (files have crlf line endings) but all of 
these files show as "modified". bzr status shows all 8000 of them as modified; 
doing a bzr diff on a file shows no changes:

jal at pyramides:~/new2/trunk$ bzr diff to.etc.domui/.classpath
=== modified file 'to.etc.domui/.classpath'

I tried commiting; it commits all of these files but after the commit all files 
are still changed....

For me this means eol filtering is currently unusable.

I might do something wrong but I have no idea what..

My shared repo shows:

jal at pyramides:~/new2$ bzr info --verbose
Shared repository with trees (format: 1.14-rich-root or 1.9-rich-root)
  shared repository: .

       control: Meta directory format 1
    repository: Packs 6 rich-root (uses btree indexes, requires bzr 1.9)

Create working tree for new branches inside the repository.

      5788 revisions

The underlying repo (filtered with problems) shows:

jal at pyramides:~/new2/trunk$ bzr info --verbose
Repository tree (format: 1.14-rich-root)
  shared repository: /home/jal/new2
  repository branch: .

Related branches:
  parent branch: /home/jal/new/trunk

       control: Meta directory format 1
  working tree: Working tree format 5
        branch: Branch format 7
    repository: Packs 6 rich-root (uses btree indexes, requires bzr 1.9)

In the working tree:
      5319 unchanged
      8679 modified
         0 added
         0 removed
         0 renamed
         0 unknown
         0 ignored
      1513 versioned subdirectories

Branch history:
      1195 revisions
       357 days old
   first revision: Thu 2008-06-05 23:32:54 +0200
  latest revision: Thu 2009-05-28 18:22:41 +0200

      5788 revisions

Thanks in advance for helping,


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