[MERGE] Update PPA documentation and scripts

John Ferlito johnf at inodes.org
Wed May 27 23:39:28 BST 2009

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 01:46:18PM +0200, Martin Pool wrote:
> s/contro/control/
> (I think your 'control' key is broken :-)

Yes, I should get that looked into :)

> +   The must supply the versions as arguments as follows
> Typo?  'You must'?

> Thanks for updating this.

> Maybe UBUNTU_RELEASES should be put into one of the scripts?  It
> changes much more slowly than we release packages.

I prefer it in the ppa.txt since I always cut and paste from there to
build the packages. Means it is only in one place and the scripts
don't have to source a config file with it defined.

> Also, we should now try to build on karmic.  If that's not currently
> supported by the ppa pbuilders, it soon will be.

I'll kick that off now. But that raises a question. What is our policy
on Ubuntu releases that are no longer supported? Should we keep
building packages for them. Also should we remove the packages from
the PPA for releases we don't want to support.


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