Branch lifecycle statistics?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon May 25 10:12:05 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1


>> Not in my case.
>> In general I push the branch just before doing a submission or because I
>> have another reason to share it. Until then I use a local branch and I
>> don't create a mirror on launchpad.
>> You may ignore that fact if you consider branches on lp alone, yet I
>> thought I mentioned it.

Mostly just a "me too" here. When I start thinking about something I do
a local branch. At some time in the future I'll do a 'bzr push && bzr
send'. But usually I do that far after the original creation. I only
really publish branches when I'm ready to send the branch for review.
(or possibly when I'm "done for the day".)

>>    Jonathan> and the date of the first revision of the branch.
>> The first commit in these local branches is not always accurate either, I
>> can hack a bit (days in the most extreme cases) before doing the first
>> commit and I'll tend to define the date started as being the one when I
>> *decide* to start working on it, but again you may not interested in
>> that information.
> I *am* interested in that information. But sadly, Bazaar does not
> provide any way to get at that information that I know of.
> jml

Bazaar doesn't record when a branch was created. Other than you could
check the timestamp on something like .bzr/branch/format since we really
should only be creating that file 1 time.

Of course, it is hard for *you* to check the timestamp on *my* machine. :)

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