My experience with bzr-svn

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue May 19 13:07:22 BST 2009

Lars Kellogg-Stedman пишет:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to duplicate the effect of 'git svn clone
>' using the bzr-svn plugin.
> I've run into a number of problems that I thought I would document in
> the hopes that someone can offer a solution.
> (1) Installation problems
> This is a minor quibble: bzr-svn requires Subverty.  I would normally
> expect an "easy_install Subverty" to take care of this, but Subverty
> is apparently not in the right repositories (so I installed it by
> hand, which was not substantially more difficult, of course).  If the
> bzr-svn plugin used setuptools instead of distutils, I think the
> dependency could be handled automatically.

Note: the library actually named "subvertpy" not "subverty"
(notice 'p').
IIUC it's short name for "subversion-to-python".

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