Coloured diff/log by default

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Thu May 14 15:20:19 BST 2009

On 14/05/2009 01:33, Daniel Clemente wrote:
> I'm wondering why, if Bazaar is meant to be usable, doesn't it default to the nicest output formats.
> [...]
>   So: why isn't „bzr diff“ an alias to „bzr cdiff“?

Because it doesn't work on Windows?
Or, to be exact, it should work on Windows 9x /if/ you have added Ansi.sys to the 
appropriate boot file (forgot the name!);
And it doesn't work on Windows XP, unless you start a true Dos command line window, which 
I don't want anyway.
I recently searched how to handle Ansi color codes on XP and found nothing more.
If somebody has a good trick...

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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