Confusing "missing" command

Torsten Bronger bronger at
Tue May 12 07:24:46 BST 2009


    $ cd newer-branch
    $ bzr missing --theirs-only ../older-branch/
    Other branch is up to date.

I find both the arguments and the outut of missing somewhat
misleading (maybe it's a non-native-speaker issue).

First, if I write "missing --theirs-only" I expect to get what
*they* are missing rather than what they have what I don't have.

And secondly, if the other branch doesn't contain something new to
me but instead, is lacking some of my revisions, the message "Other
branch is up to date" is confusing.  It should be "You're not
missing revisions from the other branch" or something like that.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
                   Jabber ID: torsten.bronger at

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