openid for

Robert Collins robert.collins at
Mon May 11 07:26:41 BST 2009

On Mon, 2009-05-11 at 16:13 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> 2009/5/11 Robert Collins <robert.collins at>:
> > The Ubuntu wikis now all have openid logins - anyone against us
> > upgrading to the same system? One less password...
> I'd like it.
> I think it is complicated to do because (from memory, may be wrong) it
> requires upgrading to a later version of moin which requires upgrading
> ubuntu which may not support some quirky old hardware in that server.
> If we can fix that it would be good.  It may also be a problem with
> the theme files there or something.
> What I had in mind was to do this together with refreshing the web
> site theme and separating the developer wiki away from the main web
> site, along the lines of the thread from around January.

We had a new theme recently [hi Karl!], so I think its reasonable to
assume our wiki isn't so far outdated that its not tweakable. Unless you
want to batch them, lets just file an RT asking; if it is hard to do we
can always defer.

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