Why Bazaar is not used in many project hosting sites?
Marius Kruger
amanic at gmail.com
Sat May 9 21:24:11 BST 2009
2009/5/9 Canol Gokel <canol at canol.info>:
> Hello,
> My question is that why most of the big project hosting sites does not support
> Bazaar while they support Git and Mercurial? The ones I'm aware of are Savannah,
> Google Code and ActiveState... Also there are project hosting sites which
> provides only Git or Mercurial source control. While the only project hosting
> sites I'm aware of which provide Bazaar support is Launchpad and SourceForge.
> I actually asked this question in #bzr a few weeks ago but didn't get a
> satisfying answer. After reading that ActiveState will also support Git and
> Mercurial but not Bazaar, a few minutes ago, I thought I should ask it again.
> Is supporting Bazaar hard for technical reasons?
In my opinion it is not a technical issue, I found it quite easy
to convert the Gforge svn plugin a bzr plugin (using loggerhead for
the web frontend).
I wanted to link to it here, but the friendly folks at gforge seem to
have deleted
it without notifying me. I'll upload it to
launchpad.net/~amanica/+junk at some point
(of coarse its actually a bzr branch which I uploaded to
http://gforge.com/gf/ 's svn server).
> Or it is just not well advertised or something?
Personally I think lack of advertising/marketing is part of the problem.
But hopefully when ALL the ubuntu packages are in bzr, I think it
would be more and more
compelling for packagers and developers to use bzr.
I also think that the open-sourcing of launchpad would really give bzr the edge,
because I think launchpad is the best collaboration tool ever and it would
strongly encourage companies/people who install private instances to
use bzr! (oops I hope I'm not giving away our secret strategies here)
<| regards
U| Marius
H| <><
Z| discaimer, this is only my opinions
E| http://bazaar-vcs.org/
<| because I don't trust version control systems with less than 17492 unit tests
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