[MERGE] Some cleanup in log tests

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Fri May 8 15:27:34 BST 2009

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:

> Do you still intend to address some of the points raised like the
> ability to override/replace/extend/specify from command line and
> in configuration files, Logger, LogGenerator, LogRequest and so
> on ?

Not before 2.0 ships. Until then, my focus is very much on branch
specific rules, nested trees, assisting with making dev6-rr production
strength where I can, userdoc for 2.0, and whatever UI tuning I'm
allowed to do. FWIW, my particular UI hot points are feature branching
(http://bazaar-vcs.org/DraftSpecs/FeatureBranching) and simple checkouts

While not perfect, plugins can always monkeypatch the Logger class
methods to do smart things if they need to, so my motivation to provide
anything better *right now* is low. The only short term ambitions *I*
have for log are to clean up some minor bugs & fix log DIR performance
on dev6-rr, though incorporating some of zyga's logsearch plugin into
the core (so we get committer/author filtering as part of a broader
query language) is tempting as a weekend task!

I'm really pleased to see you working on the log tests because we both
know they need it! It's not up to me to tell you what to work on and
where improving log now fits in terms of priorities, but I believe it
has progressed far enough that it's no longer the adoption blocker it
was 6 months back. Would you agree? I'm heavily focussed on eol, nested
trees, speed/space (dev6rr) and easier UI because these remain adoption

BTW, don't forget to add your 3 wishes to http://bazaar-vcs.org/Roadmap.
You may want to update http://bazaar-vcs.org/Roadmap/BrisbaneCore and
http://bazaar-vcs.org/Roadmap/Log with your ideas as well.

Ian C.

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