force bzr export?

Parth Malwankar parth.malwankar at
Fri May 8 05:49:05 BST 2009


I am using bzr to source control some web pages
on our server.

The idea is to 'bzr export' the content to
public_html directory on the server. However, one
issue we face is that bzr exits with an error saying
that file exists when we try exporting to the
pre-existing public_html folder.

[foo-project]% bzr export ../foo
bzr: ERROR: [Errno 17] File exists: '../foo'
[foo-project]% bzr info
Standalone tree (format: development6-rich-root)
   branch root: .
[foo-project]% bzr --force export ../foo
bzr: ERROR: unknown command "--force"
[foo-project]% bzr  export --force ../foo
bzr: ERROR: no such option: --force

The current workaround we are planning is to
export a tarball and untar it on public_html.
The public_html also has predefined folders for
various subdomains which we overwrite in this process.

Is there a way to force bzr to overwrite the target
directory during export?


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