[MERGE] Patch: smtp_connection.py

Amit Saha amitsaha.in at gmail.com
Wed May 6 14:23:20 BST 2009


Feature added:

When 'smtplib' is used for commit emails, the 'smtp_connection.py'
reads the SMTP configuration from the bazaar configuration file. This
basically forces the user to store the email password in
'smtp_password' in plain text. This might be undesirable for many
users, like me. The current patch to the code removes that necessity
and if the smtp_password field is left blank, then it automatically
prompts for the password after the commit is done. The password is

The patch uses the 'getpass' module to enable masked input.

Please find the patch attached.

Looking forward to your comments and hints for improvement, if any so
as to enable this patch to be merged.

Thank You,

cornucopic on #scheme, #lisp, #math, #linux

*Bangalore Open Java Users Group*:http:www.bojug.in

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