RFC: check UI

Robert Collins robert.collins at canonical.com
Wed May 6 09:28:22 BST 2009

On Wed, 2009-05-06 at 10:02 +0200, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> >>>>> "robert" == Robert Collins <robert.collins at canonical.com> writes:
>     robert> So 'bzr check' currently takes parameters allowing
>     robert> control of checking repo/branch/tree. Are there
>     robert> actual use cases for this?
>     robert> I'd like to have check just check whatever is present
>     robert> [and do it quickly yada yada yada].
> I think check should, by default, check anything it can but
> provides options to restrict the checks when you want. For
> example if I'm tracking a tree or branch related problem, I don't
> want to lose time checking the repo.

OTOH you can't tell if a branch is correct without reading a bunch of
repo data; (is the revision cached value correct? Do the tags exist
etc). If its a few minutes on even very large repositories would you
really care? I guess the answer is yes, but perhaps a 'skip-FOO' style
of option would be clearer than the current ones?

> I'm not sure DWIM is worth the effort here...
> A related point: I've been bitten in the past because I forgotten
> to specify '-v' for a repo check that took day(s). So I'd like
> check to *always* output data that may be needed to fix whatever
> is found to be wrong (putting that info in .bzr.log is ok).

For sure.

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