[MERGE] Fix bug 360791 by not raising an error when a smart server is asked for more content than it has locally; the client is assumed to be monitoring what it gets.

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Wed May 6 09:05:48 BST 2009

Martin Pool has voted tweak.
Status is now: Approved
+* The smart server will no longer raise 'NoSuchRevision' when streaming
+  content with a size mismatch in a reconstructed graph search: it 
+  that the client will make sure it is happy with what it got, and this
+  sort of mismatch is normal for stacked environments.
+  (Robert Collins, #360791)

Could you add some more of the reasoning from your cover letter into the 
NEWS item here please?

For details, see: 
Project: Bazaar

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