Milestone 1.15rc1

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue May 5 22:56:59 BST 2009

> ^-- do you mean 1.15 actually?

Yes, sorry, for some reason I often seem to be off-by-one when talking
about dates or releases.

2009/5/6 Bob Tanner <tanner at>:
> On 2009-05-05 04:49:46 -0500, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> said:
>> 1) It's too short to know about upcoming release when only 4 days left
>> (well, 3 for me). I really like your metronome mails. This does help to
>> planning the big patches.
> This is my fault as I was waiting for cues from the developers on when to
> start the release process when it should have been myself stating a release
> date.

If this could be clearer in the release manager docs could you change it?

> How does May 15th look?

In other words the Friday of next week.

I think this makes because we have one critical fix to land for this
release, and it may not be completely fixed and landed by this Friday.
 It'd be better to set a date with enough time than to schedule one
date and have to slip it.

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