[MERGE/RFC] Better unicode symlinks handling (was Re: [MERGE][1.14] Fix bug #355454 by casting to unicode.)

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue May 5 16:04:59 BST 2009

John Arbash Meinel has voted tweak.
Status is now: Conditionally approved
+    dir_reader_scenarios = test_osutils.dir_reader_scenarios()
+    ue_scenarios = [('dirstate_Python',
+                     {'update_entry': dirstate.py_update_entry})]
+    if has_dirstate_helpers_c:
+        c_scenario = ('dirstate_C',
+                     {'update_entry': 
+        ue_scenarios.append(c_scenario)
+    process_entry_tests, remaining_tests = 
+        remaining_tests, tests.condition_isinstance(TestUpdateEntry))
+    tests.multiply_tests(process_entry_tests,
+                         tests.multiply_scenarios(dir_reader_scenarios,
+                                                  ue_scenarios),
+                         suite)
+    pe_scenarios = [('dirstate_Python',
+                     {'_process_entry': dirstate.ProcessEntryPython})]
+    if has_dirstate_helpers_c:
+        c_scenario = ('dirstate_C',
+                     {'_process_entry': 
+        pe_scenarios.append(c_scenario)
+    process_entry_tests, remaining_tests = 
+        remaining_tests, tests.condition_isinstance(TestProcessEntry))
+    tests.multiply_tests(process_entry_tests,
+                         tests.multiply_scenarios(dir_reader_scenarios,
+                                                  pe_scenarios),
+                         suite)
+    dir_reader_tests, remaining_tests = tests.split_suite_by_condition(
+        remaining_tests, tests.condition_isinstance(
+            test_dirstate.TestCaseWithDirState))
+    tests.multiply_tests(dir_reader_tests, dir_reader_scenarios, suite)
+    suite.addTest(remaining_tests)

^- I would move the line:
+    dir_reader_scenarios = test_osutils.dir_reader_scenarios()

to be close to where it is actually used (here at the end).


+def load_tests(basic_tests, module, loader):
+    suite = loader.suiteClass()
+    dir_reader_tests, remaining_tests = tests.split_suite_by_condition(
+        basic_tests, tests.condition_isinstance(TestCaseWithDirState))
+    tests.multiply_tests(dir_reader_tests,
+                         test_osutils.dir_reader_scenarios(), suite)
+    suite.addTest(remaining_tests)
+    return suite

^- this sure looks like a second test multiplication over the same 
(everything subclassing TestCaseWithDirState). Perhaps not, though.


  class TestCaseWithDirState(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
      """Helper functions for creating DirState objects with various 

+    # Set by load_tests
+    _dir_reader_class = None
+    _native_to_unicode = None # Not used yet
+    _fs_enc = osutils._fs_enc # Not parametrized yet

^- I would avoid adding parameterization that we aren't using yet. It 
adds some
confusion as to what is being tested. If you feel strongly you can leave 
but I think just deleting the variables would be reasonable.


+def _already_unicode(s):
+    return s
+def _fs_enc_to_unicode(s):
+    return s.decode(osutils._fs_enc)
+def _utf8_to_unicode(s):
+    return s.decode('UTF-8')

^- two blank lines for top-level functions.


+def dir_reader_scenarios():
+    # For each dir reader we define:
+    dir_readers = [(osutils.UnicodeDirReader, _already_unicode)]

^- Why do you build up a list of 'dir_readers' that you then iterate 
over to
cast into a dict of dir reader scenarios? Is there a reason why you 
didn't just
create the scenarios directly?

For details, see: 
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