Milestone 1.15rc1

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue May 5 10:49:46 BST 2009

Martin Pool пишет:
> 2009/5/5 Alexander Belchenko <bialix at>:
>> Bob Tanner пишет:
>>> On May 4, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Martin Pool wrote:
>>>> I can understand why you'd do it, but it's backwards from what we
>>>> normally do.  You should just nominate a date, and we'll adjust our
>>>> work to fit.  If we need to slip it to fix particular things we can,
>>>> but we're meant to be time-based and we should start out from that
>>>> position.  Typically it's four weeks after the previous one.
>>> Ok. Shooting for May 8th release of 1.15rc1.
>> Hmmm. Thanks for the answer.
>> It's too short this time, but it's not my call.
> It will be about one month after 1.14rc1, and there have been a few
> changes in that time, though nothing really major.  On the other hand
> it is only a week after 1.14.1.

And only two weeks from 1.14 IIRC.

> Alexander did you mean it's too short for something you want to do, or
> it's just pretty short in general?

1) It's too short to know about upcoming release when only 4 days left 
(well, 3 for me). I really like your metronome mails. This does help to 
planning the big patches.

2) It's too short for Russian translation of some documentation we're 
preparing right now. ru_bzr group at the final stage of improving the 
text, but we're not ready to send merge request yet. So, we'll target 
next release then.

3) In general... I'm agree with Stephen J. Turnbull when he said that 
delaying time-based release is bad sign. In the past bzr has couple of 
"release jams". Although it was not really bad in long term perspective.
So, back to point 1: please, send to the list regular metronome mails.

> In any case I don't think we should start 1.14 until

^-- do you mean 1.15 actually?

> is conclusively resolved.

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