Using Winmerge with TortoiseBzr

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Tue May 5 04:19:44 BST 2009

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Niben M Singh <niben_s at>wrote:

> WinMerge works ok for what I am trying to do, but I was hoping whether I
> could just integrate it with TBzr/QBzr. I dont understand what I am missing
> when I tried to add WinMerge as external diff application. The commandline I
> used seems to work.
> How do you use extmerge if you just want to see the diff of a file with
> history? How do I specify in extmerge to use WinMerge as one of the primary
> option?
> Niben

The diff and merge are two different use-cases.   It happens that I use one
tool (BC3) for both diff and merge, but that is only because BC3 does true
3-way merges.  I created an alias diff to diff --using <BC3 with file
arguments> for diff and *separately* installed the extmerge plugin and set
it up to use BC3 with options for *base*, *this*, *other* and
*resolved*filenames, using instructions I found at

I have not used WinMerge, so I don't know if it is a true merge tool or if
(as it appears) it only does diff.  If you are not working in a group where
multiple people could be editing the same line of the same file at the same
time then you can pretty much forget about true 3way marges because you will
probably never have a conflict.

Conflicts can arise in several ways, but by far the most common is the "text
conflict."  You can read about conflicts at and I
apologize if you already know this, but I figure I should mention it since
winmerge looks like it might be just a diff tool.

When you set up your alias for diff I suggest editing your bazaar.conf file
by hand.  On windows you will almost certainly have spaces in the path to
winmerge and you may find it easier to escape them by editing the file
rather than using bzr alias ...

Good luck!

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