Error: Access is denied

OldGrantonian oldgrantonian at
Sun May 3 10:10:14 BST 2009

Thanks for all your help so far.

Based on all your thoughtful comments, it looks as if I've done most of the
steps correctly, but failed on the last step :)

I'm now going to try to check out your comment:

>>  I guess you are on Windows Vista? Looking at your error message, have
>>  you free write access to the given path (temp)?

I normally try to remember to use the "Administrator" console in Vsta. This
is not the console that is launched when you type "cmd"

It's the console that is launched when you right click on the "Command
Prompt" icon in "Accessories", then select "Run as administrator"

When that console is launched, the title bar says "Administrator: Command

It's possible that I may have launched the console by typing "cmd"

My plan is to delete everthing that I downloaded, then try again using the
admin console.

From: Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho <at>>
Subject: Re: Error: Access is
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general<>
Date: 2009-05-02 15:57:31 GMT (17 hours and 3 minutes ago)

On 02/05/2009 15:05, OldGrantonian wrote:
> Can you please give me the link [...]
> BTW: I used Pageant following the instructions on this page:
> starting at the line "Windows (PuTTY)"

Yes, that's the page, and those around.

> I then used:
> bzr launchpad-login
> which correctly identified me:)

Note: You need to do bzr launchpad-login only once (to set the
username), a bit like bzr whoami. Next, I just run Pageant and issue
directly the commands with LP.

I guess you are on Windows Vista? Looking at your error message, have
you free write access to the given path (temp)? I suppose so, I just
explore possibilities...

I tried to do:

bzr branch lp:mnemosyne-proj TestMP

and it used my login (I suppose it has public access anyway) and was

 > bzr branch lp:mnemosyne-proj TestMP
Connected (version 2.0, client Twisted)
Authentication (publickey) successful!
Secsh channel 1 opened.
Branched 660 revision(s).

I had not the Adding ssh-rsa host key... message. If Pageant isn't
running, it asks for a password.

Not sure what to explore next. Firewall?

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
-- <>
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