Using Winmerge with TortoiseBzr

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Sat May 2 17:17:53 BST 2009

On 02/05/2009 16:28, Niben M Singh wrote:
> I see that the plugin is only for Linux or Mac. Is it? Could you give 
> more information? Is ext-merge as good as winmerge?

extmerge is a plugin for "Call[ing] an external merge program such as 
xxdiff, kdiff3, opendiff, etc.", not a merge tool by itself.
And that's for merge, not for diff.
You can use WinMerge with a line like:

bzr diff --using "C:/Program Files/WinMerge/WinMergeU.exe"

(path might vary of course)

I use extmerge with the following setting in bazaar.conf:

external_merge = C:/Program Files/Perforce Merge/p4merge.exe %b %o %t %r

I don't use Perforce at home but since Perforce usage is free, I copied 
it from its installation at work (you have to download and install the 
whole client to get it) to my home computer. I find P4Merge is a good 
merge tool.
Despite the name, WinMerge is more a diff tool than a (3-way) merge one.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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