Aaaye! Deleted shared repository .bzr directory, any options?

Michael B. Trausch mbt at
Wed Apr 29 14:47:52 BST 2009

On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 14:56:37 +0200
Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho at> wrote:

> On 29/04/2009 02:39, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> > Unfortunately, these were all (up to this point) private.  I was
> > working on them as a whole project, and then was going to push them
> > to my Web server when I was done... D'oh!  Stupidity strikes me
> > there, I guess.
> I fear that's a sad illustration of what somebody else said (on
> StackOverflow IIRC): a VCS isn't a substitute for a good backup
> tool... They complement each other.
> Said somebody failing to make good backup of his important
> files... :-(

Yeah.  The story on my backups is a long one, but to shorten it down a
bit:  I used to have rsnapshot running every 60 minutes.  I'd retain 24
hours, 7 days, and 6 months worth of snapshots that way, and it was
great.  Then, that drive went away, and I didn't until recently have a
new one.  I'd neglected to set up that new drive for rsnapshot,
sticking to my weekly backups until I had it done...

Nice lesson on priorities, at least to me.  Backups are more important
than anything/everything else on a system.  Period.  I don't think I
will have any trouble remembering that lesson from here on forward.

	--- Mike

A bad settlement is better than a good lawsuit.
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