Aaaye! Deleted shared repository .bzr directory, any options?

Michael B. Trausch mbt at
Tue Apr 28 20:44:02 BST 2009


I accidentally deleted a .bzr directory (the wrong one, I had intended
to do it one level up, which I unintentionally made into a branch, but
that is beside the point) that contained the data for a shared

I haven't figured out a way to undo that (am using ext4 and cannot
undelete) just yet, and am wondering if there is any options that exist
to make my branches that were in that shared repository work again since
now they're all broken.  Did I lose all the history, or did I only make
life relatively inconvenient for a little bit?  If the latter, how can
I repair my branches so that they work again?

	Thanks a ton,
	Mike Trausch

Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
tried it.
                            --- Donald Knuth, 1977
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