[MERGE] Nested Trees: revert

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Tue Apr 28 19:12:35 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> Ian Clatworthy has voted resubmit.
> Status is now: Resubmit
> Comment:
> At first glance, this doesn't look right to me. If foo is a subtree,
> what happens when "bzr revert foo/bzr.py" is run.

An exception is raised because the containing tree doesn't have a
file-id for foo/bzr.py.

> If I'm reading the
> change made to workingtree.py correctly, it looks like it rolls back all
> changes to all subtrees instead of just the one on foo?

No, but that would happen if a path in the containing tree was specified.

> At a minimum, I
> think we need a test added for the "explicitly revert a file in a
> subtree leaves other subtrees as they were".


I've revised revert so that
1. specifying a path within a subtree doesn't cause a PathNotChild error
2. when paths are specified, only those paths within each subtree are

In the process, I've changed WorkingTree.revert([]),  so that it  is a
no-op.  The previous behaviour of reverting the entire tree has been
deprecated since bzr 0.92.  This behaviour is consistent with other uses
of lists, and avoids having to special case sub_filenames == [].

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