Crash (and corruption?) after reverting an added directory

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at
Sun Apr 26 23:03:34 BST 2009

Greg Ward wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 2:56 PM, I wrote:
>> Questions:
>>  * is this a known bug? or should I file a bug report?
>>  * how can I recover my working branch and get back to work?
> I figured out the second one: I rebranched from the original parent
> and pulled from my "corrupt" branch into the new one.  So now I'm back
> to where I was before my misadventure with "mv" started.  And the
> branch that appears to be corrupt isn't *completely* hosed, since I
> was able to pull from it.  *phew*
> Greg


Only the working tree is broken. You could do something like "mv
.bzr/checkout .bzr/checkout.broken && bzr checkout" to move it out of
the way and generate a new one. (Although I'm not sure what would happen
to your changes in the working tree. Perhaps zillions of conflicts,
perhaps not.)

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