
Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Fri Apr 24 19:07:19 BST 2009

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Gary van der Merwe <garyvdm at>wrote:

> What features do TortoiseHg and TortoiseGit have that you need?

I would suggest that focus be placed on speed and usability.  I am a
longtime user of TortoiseSVN.  By comparison, the tbzr implementation of the
Tortoise overlays is unusably slow, even on bleeding edge AMD/Intel machines
running WinXP.  Also, there are sometimes, not always, very long delays or
hangs of the tbzr UI.  This can happen when doing bzr init, bzr branch or
just about anyhthing.  In some cases, I just kill the tbzr UI and everythign
seems to have worked.  By comparison, the corresponding operations at the
command line show no such delays or hangs.

I am willing to test new versions of tbzr any time.  I have users who are
currently forced to use the command line who would rather have tbzr working.

Thanks for asking!
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