1.14rc2 and CHK: Random 'AbsentContentFactory' object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as' errors

Tommaso R. Donnarumma tawmas at gardinerproject.org
Thu Apr 23 10:02:30 BST 2009


On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 18:28 +1000, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> Tommaso R. Donnarumma wrote:

> This looks an awful lot like <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/354036>,
> which occurs with stacked branches that were pushed to with a client that is
> older than bzr-1.14rc2.  Are you using stacked branches?  If not, then this
> is probably a separate bug that just happens to have a similar symptom.

No, I don't use stacked branches, and all machines involved are running
1.14rc2 from the Jaunty PPA (although repositories were created with
1.14rc1, if memory serves well).

Besides, the first error was on a local operation, so no smartserver was

> > 
> > In both cases, the problem was solved by running bzr pack. The first
> That's intriguing.  That suggests that it may be a different bug, but I'm
> not certain about that.

Cool! ;-) Do you want me to file a separate bug, just in case?

> -Andrew.


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