Will re-basing support be added into Bazaar core ?

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Apr 22 16:32:05 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Teemu Likonen wrote:
> On 2009-04-22 18:16 (+1000), Ben Finney wrote:
>> Teemu Likonen <tlikonen at iki.fi> writes:
>>>     ref
>>>         A 40-byte hex representation of a SHA1 or a name that denotes a
>>>         particular object. These may be stored in $GIT_DIR/refs/.
>> Okay. So a “ref” is equivalent to a “revision-id”. Whereas an
>> “object” is a “revision”.
> Practically thinking a "commit object" is probably close to the concept
> of "revision" but I don't feel perfectly comfortable with that either. I
> don't think the terms are interchangeable. To really understand Git or
> Bazaar one has to learn the concepts on VCS's own right.
> The quite famous "Git for Computer Scientists" document explains the Git
> object database model (well, DAG), explains (symbolic) refs and how
> merging and rebasing work conceptually:
>     http://eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists/
> It explains (sym)refs as post-it notes which are slapped on a node in
> the DAG. See the pictures on that page.

A 'ref' in git is just a handle. For the purposes of this discussion, it
is sufficient to consider it a revision id.

However, as everything in git is a sha1, it could be a text_key (the
handle used to define a given file text), a 'tree' (a pointer to the
top-level node in the inventory graph), a 'commit' (pretty much
equivalent to a Revision, as it points to the author, commit message,
etc, and contains a pointer to the 'tree'.)


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