Will re-basing support be added into Bazaar core ?

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at benfinney.id.au
Wed Apr 22 09:16:35 BST 2009

Teemu Likonen <tlikonen at iki.fi> writes:

> On 2009-04-22 16:57 (+1000), Ben Finney wrote:
> > I don't have these “ref” concepts. Is it correct for me to think of
> > “ref” as “revision”, and “reflog”as “revision ancestry”?
> No. I'll copy and paste from the Git glossary:
>     ref
>         A 40-byte hex representation of a SHA1 or a name that denotes a
>         particular object. These may be stored in $GIT_DIR/refs/.

Okay. So a “ref” is equivalent to a “revision-id”. Whereas an
“object” is a “revision”.

>     reflog

>     symref

These are below the level of granularity I currently understand about

 \          “When we call others dogmatic, what we really object to is |
  `\   their holding dogmas that are different from our own.” —Charles |
_o__)                                                           Issawi |
Ben Finney

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