Scoping the UI changes for 2.0

David Ingamells david.ingamells at
Mon Apr 20 12:38:08 BST 2009

one thought came to mind as a nice interface feature. I've not had much 
time to read through all the recent discussions on bazaar, and it may be 
that this idea has been discussed already. In which case my apologies.

My idea is to provide a lightweight shell interface so that one can 
start a bzr session and then type in bzr commands at a prompt.


$ bzr  session --parent  bzr+ssh:<path>
bzr> branch --lightweight my_branch
bzr> cd my_branch
.... <some edits in another terminal>
bzr> status
bzr> commit -m "bla bla"
bzr > exit


bzr session << _EOF_

Such an interface could provide a speedup both in the performance of the 
commands themselves and in the user's interaction. For example a ssh 
connection can be opened at the start and reused during the session.

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