1.14rc2 on 04/17 was [rfc] 1.14rc2

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at canonical.com
Sat Apr 18 09:15:37 BST 2009

Bob Tanner wrote:
> Here is what I'm looking to put into 1.14rc2 (whiteboard as well at  
> https://code.launchpad.net/~tanner/bzr/1.14rc2)
> Robert Collins wrote:
>> The release should be fine - the critical networking patch has landed in
>> trunk (Andrew, did you tag it for 1.14rc2 in lp, or otherwise let Bob
>> know the revision to merge?)
> The revision is r4289 in bzr.dev.  I've taken the liberty of putting up a
> branch with that cherrypick (it merges cleanly but I tweaked the NEWS file
> change a little to make it clear it wasn't in 1.14rc1):
>    lp:~spiv/bzr/stacking-cherrypick-1.14

Note that the fix Robert and I talking about there is the same as the one
you mention further down:

> Potentially (wait on more info)
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/354036


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