Better name for dpush wanted

Joseph Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Fri Apr 17 20:09:03 BST 2009

Neil Martinsen-Burrell wrote:
> Adrian Wilkins <adrian.wilkins <at>> writes:
>> A little tongue-in-cheek ...
>> bzr shove
>> Conveys the idea that it's a form of push, but not the ideal thing to 
>> do, that the process might be rough enough to knock off some metadata, 
>> and rolls nicely off the tongue.
> Or, if we become convinced that this should be an option to the push command, it
> sounds like fun to write ``bzr push --shove``.  So +1 from me.

Something like 'push --shove' is very funny and apt after you know what
it's for, but not useful before it, because as a command name it doesn't
give a good idea as to what it's actually for.  By contrast something
like push-foreign or push --foreign gives you a pretty good idea what it
does even before you read the 'How do I push to another VCS?' documentation.

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