1.14rc2 on 04/17 was [rfc] 1.14rc2

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Fri Apr 17 16:01:41 BST 2009

Bob Tanner wrote:
> I plan to release 1.14rc2 on this Friday (04/17), please set your bugs
> to Milestone 1.14rc2 to help me find the bugs that need to be integrated
> into 1.14rc2.
> I look forward to the Bundle Buggy [merge][1.14] requests as well.

Hi Bob,

Please consider the fix for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/361574
for 1.14rc2. The change adds --include-merges to log, tweaks the advice
to suggest this nicer option (vs --levels 0) and only switches the
advice on when appropriate. It's the side effect of the latter bit that
fixes the bug but I think the overall change is both safe and 1.14 worthy.

Ian C.

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