Scoping the UI changes for 2.0

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Fri Apr 17 12:41:08 BST 2009

On 17/04/2009 12:43, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> During the 3.0 cycle, I would like to see:
>  - a website and documentation which are a pleasure to learn and use

As a newbie, I can testify that in its current state, Bazaar has one of the best 
documentations. Well, better than Mercurial's one (which I studied before coming to Bzr, 
and isn't bad, actually) at least.

Not perfect, of course, so can be indeed improved further.

For example, I was surprised, the first time I looked at the user-reference, not to see 
'ignore' referenced in the 'add' command (not even in the See also section).
Also there, nearly all the http://doc URLs are broken... (spaces in URL or stop on 

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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