Naive questions re hard-linking repositories

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Thu Apr 16 15:59:55 BST 2009

2009/4/16 Aaron Bentley <aaron at>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Paul Moore wrote:
>> Now I want to start a new local line of development. bzr branch a b
>> seems the obvious thing to do. After all, a key point of a DVCS is for
>> all repositories (local or remote) to be equal, so why shouldn't I use
>> the same command here? But it isn't correct (as a was cloned from
>> remote and isn't in a shared repo). Rather, I have to (rather,
>> "should"):
>> 1. Create a repo
>> 2. bzr branch a into the repo
>> 3. Change to use the new copy of as in the repo, rather than the one I
>> was using (which may involve transferring local uncommitted changes,
>> fixing up directories in scripts, etc)
> You can also
> 1. bzr init-repo $ANCESTOR_OF_A
> 2. bzr reconfigure --use-shared a

Thanks, that's a lot more straightforward.

> This does require that $ANCESTOR_OF_A is appropriate for use as a shared
> repo.


(Hmm, if branches could use a shared repository which wasn't required
to be a direct ancestor in the directory hierarchy, that would
probably make a lot of the naive use cases a lot cleaner...)


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