noob - understanding branches diverged

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Wed Apr 15 11:35:23 BST 2009

On 15/04/2009 04:26, Neil Martinsen-Burrell wrote:
> Pull is a command to make the current branch an exact mirror of another 
> branch.  So, when you tell your home box to ``bzr pull`` from the shared repo,
> it is trying to make the branch on our home box into an exact copy of the one 
> in the shared repo (which should be the same as the one you pushed from your
> laptop).  If you have revisions in your home branch that are not in your 
> laptop branch, then the branches have "diverged" and you can't just add on the
> new revisions from your laptop, instead you have to merge them.  Merging just
> means using your human intervention to ensure that the combination of 
> revisions from your laptop and your home branch is reasonable.
> An enlightening thing for me is to try to replicate what I'm seeing in a very
> simple setting.  The easy branching in Bazaar makes this almost fun::

 From another noob: many thanks for this excellent explanation and demonstration.
Reading explanations in slightly different ways than the (fine) manual is a very good mean 
to enlighten the understanding of the system (wow, that's a convoluted sentence!).

On 15/04/2009 06:08, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
 > "bzr pull" is [...] is
 > looking for a fast-forward merge, and otherwise isn't very useful.

Good summary. That's a non-destructive mirror, ie. if it can't do its job, it just 
preserves the target.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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