risc or cisc

Daniel Silverstone dsilvers at digital-scurf.org
Wed Apr 15 09:42:11 BST 2009

On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 18:22 +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
> I think a mini language is definitely more complex *today* but we're
> adding more and more methods - and the complexity of creating good
> abstractions is getting higher and higher.

A mini-language is one of the more obvious future-proof solutions.
However there is a lot of sandboxing and protective issues which need
addressing if you're going to go down this route. It's difficult to
provide a completely generic solution and still be sure that nothing
untoward will occur in terms of attack vector.

I like the idea more than just adding more and more verbs, but I am
slightly worried by it.


Daniel Silverstone                         http://www.digital-scurf.org/
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