Noob questions for installing/upgrading Bazaar, and setting up/understanding feature branch workflow...
Richard B.
dj_deipotent at
Mon Apr 13 01:35:42 BST 2009
I'm new to Bazaar and trying to understand how to achieve the feature
branch workflow and also how to install and upgrade Bazaar on Windows.
I read the manuals but it's still not clear in my head, hence my post
1) First, installation/upgrade - Initially I just used the Windows
installer to install 1.13.1 and it worked fine. Then I wanted to try
the latest 1.14rc1, but wasn't sure how to go about it. Are there
instructions for:
a) Windows instructions for upgrading to beta/RC builds when you initially installed with the
installer ?
b) Windows instructions for installing Bazaar (including Python
instructions) without using the installer (ie. using the tar.gz) ?
2) Feature branch workflow - I'm a sole developer who works on
multiple projects on a local machine. When I need to fix a bug on a
project or add a new feature, I would like to create a new branch.
However, I may want to work on several fixes/enhancements at the same
time (ie. have multiple branches open), and for multiple projects.
I was thinking of using the project/trunk layout (User Guide, and using the preferred way for Bazaar:
+- Projects
+- Project1\
+- trunk\
+- branches\
+- foo\ branch for fixing foo bug
+- Project2\
+- trunk\
+- branches\
Do I really need a trunk folder, or can I just store the mainline code
in Project1, Project2 etc. ?
The User Guide appears to say that with Bazaar, each project
should have it's own shared repository (ie. all child branches of a
project use that projects repository). Is this correct, and what advantages
does this method have over using a single shared repository for all
projects and child branches ?
If going for a single shared repository, am I right that entering the
following at the command prompt (at D:\) will set it up:
bzr init-repo Projects
cd Projects
Given the folder layout, what do I then need to type when creating a
new project ?
What would I type when starting a new fix/feature ?
When I have finished working on a fix/feature and want to commit,
which folder do I need to be in, what command do I type, and where
will it be committed to (ie. branch, trunk etc. ?) ?
Suppose I create a branch foo under Project1 to work on a fix, but
after a bit of work decide I've made a complete mess and wish
to restart the fix from the beginning (ie. undo all changes made for
the fix) ?
That will do for starters, but I'm sure I'll have more questions ?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Richard B.
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