The Jelmer "fork" of

Forest Bond forest at
Sat Apr 11 22:13:55 BST 2009


On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 02:14:20AM +0800, Eugene Wee wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 2:07 AM, Russel Winder
> <russel.winder at> wrote:
> > More seriously, I think the behaviour really is counter-intuitive for
> > the user and so I think the problem does deserve some workaround.  I
> > agree the whole idea of having vendor/website specific exception is
> > anathema, but if that makes the user experience better then perhaps it
> > is worth considering.
> Would it be feasible to call it a bug with Google code hosting and
> request that this be fixed on Google's side?

I don't think it's a bug to return 401 for a request to a service that requires
authentication.  It's unfortunate that you have to authenticate only to find out
that you are using the wrong protocol, but this is a consequence of using the
same URI schema for multiple protocols.  So it goes.

If bzr could only ask the user for authentication info once and then use it for
both the original bzr-native request and then retain it for use with the bzr-svn
request, that would be ideal.

Forest Bond
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