?discover and lock branches

Maritza Mendez martitzam at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 07:01:58 BST 2009

Hi.  If this is not the right place for this question, please tell me.

I'm working to find a way to lock branches for unattended backups.  If I
know where all the branches are it might not be too hard.  But I want to
create a script to automatically discover the branches under some base
directory.  It looks like I can use b.b.BzrDir:find_branches or
b.r.Repository:find_branches to recursively find all the repos under some
base.   But some branches are standalone and others are shared.  Some might
be nested,  Can someone please point me to the right section of the API to
evaluate the branches I get back to see what kind they are and so what order
of locking I should use?  Am I even going in a good direction?  Maybe there
is already a tool for this and I am wasting time!

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