When manually resolving directory conflicts isn't a feature

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Fri Apr 10 09:44:58 BST 2009

Stefan Monnier writes:

 > I'd think it's better to try and push the current model as far as
 > possible before trying to introduce something like "junk" or "precious".

That won't help the OP, though.  ISTM she wants those directories
gone.  Otherwise she'd just have additional branches.

The *real* question is due to Guido, though.  Can it be implemented
without an additional "import"?

Performance-isn't-everything-it's-the-only-thing-ly y'rs

 > Of course, another approach altogether would be to consider that
 > removing a directory is nothing more than "moving it out of the way", so
 > rather than remove it, it could be renamed to .bzr/lost+found/<dir-id>
 > from where it can also be resurrected by "bzr switch" later on.

I think this is probably the best idea for the first round.  Of
course, you'll start getting conflicts in lost+found ....

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