bzr 1.14rc1

Bob Tanner tanner at
Wed Apr 8 21:24:56 BST 2009

On 2009-04-08 12:44:53 -0500, Stefan Monnier <monnier at IRO.UMontreal.CA> said:

> Ahh... now I get it, thanks.  So, yes, I suggest to just make it clear
> that this is only relevant to users of the -subtrees format.  Such users
> will probably know what is a "nested tree" and a "tree reference", so
> the rest of the entry will make sense to them.

I would like to add that the NEWS file is under revision control (bzr!) 
and you can create a branch
and tweak the NEWS file to make it clear.

I normally just cut-n-paste when the developers put into the NEWS file. 
I do not want to filter the message through RM-eyes. :-)

Bob Tanner <tanner at>                  | Phone : (952 943-8700, Linux, OSX, VMware | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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