landing brisbane-core Q: development5/6 vs gc-chk-* plan?

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Apr 8 01:12:11 BST 2009

Robert Collins wrote:
> As I was landing this and needed some sort of label, I've gone with
> --development6-rich-root.
> It can be changed - I just didn't want to block the main effort over
> this relatively minor detail.

I agree it's a minor detail and I certainly didn't want to block
anything on it. Thanks for pushing this though while I was away.
Awesome job!

Thanks also for the previous email explaining your thinking.
My idea for handling multiple development releases within
the one bzr release was too add an 'a', 'b', etc. if required, e.g.


Anyhow, it's a minor detail and we have larger fish to fry right now.

Ian C.

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