bzr-svn branches

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Tue Apr 7 22:13:08 BST 2009

0.5 and 0.6

I've just created the 0.6 branch for bzr-svn. This branch will contain
the next release series of bzr-svn, meant to be used with and
bzr 1.15. 

The 0.5 branch will stay around for a while, and I aim to reintroduce
svn-push and dpush in it, as the required patches don't seem to be
making it into bzr 1.14. Around the same time as bzr 1.14 I hope to
release bzr-svn 0.5.4 from this branch.

bzr-svn convenience URL for users

For those who are following bzr-svn's 0.5 branch and use at
the moment, you can switch to the following URL:

This branch is symlinked to the 0.6 branch at the moment, but I will
keep it up to date and point it to the branch that is appropriate to
be used with

bzr-svn 1.0

bzr-svn will be pretty much feature complete once my other patches land in There are some open bugs that I would like to resolve before
1.0, but that should be doable for bzr 1.16. Is there anything else
that should be improved/supported before a 1.0?


If you are interested in trying out some of my pending patches that
improve foreign branch support in bzr, you can give my bzr.foreign
branch a try. It lives at and currently adds the
following features:

 * Proper username prompting when connecting to http(s)
   Subversion hosts that require authentication.
 * Very large performance improvements when pulling from Subversion
   branches (e.g. pulling the Subversion repo is now 3s instead of 80s)
 * working dpush command
 * support in "bzr version-info" for showing svn version details (repo
   UUID, revno)

(you will need to use bzr-svn 0.6 with this branch)



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