[MERGE][1.14][355273] Fix OSX test failures

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Apr 7 18:30:37 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1


>>    jfroy> In addition, the one other quirk I am aware of are "Icon\r"
>>    jfroy> files,  which have an empty data fork but some data in the
>>    jfroy> resource fork. Most  tools can't deal with the Mac line break
>>    jfroy> (CR) in the file name,  including bzr's .bzrignore
>> mechanism. I'm
>>    jfroy> pretty sure Bazaar doesn't  support multiple file forks or
>>    jfroy> extended attributes either, but that's  a different matter.
>> Geee, I thought that OSX was getting rid of the fork madness for
>> good, Apple is pretty good at making my old macs unsupported (I
>> still have a G3 and a G4 running there), it may be time for them
>> to obsolete the fork mechanism given that all Apple applications
>> seems to do well without it (AFAICS).
> Icon\r are basically irrelevant to Bazaar. They're used to store custom
> icons for folders IIRC. Ideally, I would expand the .bzrignore file to
> access escape sequences, but realistically I would perhaps go as far as
> hard-ignoring Icon\r.
>> And where is that "Icon\r" used ? And how does the Finder
>> displays it ? Can I issue 'ls -al Icon\r' ?
> You can paste an image in the Get Info view on a folder. Then, if you ls
> -la that folder, you should get an entry like this:
> -rw-r--r--@  1 me  admin       0 Apr  7 10:14 Icon?
> UNIX tools don't deal with the CR character very well either...

.bzrignore already allows globs, so you could do "Icon*". If you want to
be more exact, though, you can use a regex. I think this would work:


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