[MERGE] dpush / foreign vcs testing

Brian de Alwis bsd at cs.ubc.ca
Sat Apr 4 17:26:34 BST 2009

On 3-Apr-2009, at 9:00 PM, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
>    There's nothing disjoint about this command though; afterward  
> this command the source branch and the target branch will have the  
> same contents, but those contents will be (slightly) different from  
> what was originally in the source branch.

I've never used dpush, so I mistakenly believed it pushed a single  
commit containing all interim changes.

But "disassociated" may work.  From what I remember you saying, any  
other branch against the Subversion repository will need to be rebased  
after a dpush to reassociate the branches, with dpush implicitly  
rebasing the current branch.


"Amusement to an observing mind is study." - Benjamin Disraeli

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