Custom merge tools

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Fri Apr 3 21:16:46 BST 2009

马旋(SuperMMX) wrote:
>> I wonder why extmerge doesn't do a merge first then call the external tool.
> Because it is not the intention to replace "merge" command, it is just
> to resolve conflicts that are generated by "merge" command, 
> with custom tools instead of manual work.

Yes, actually the description "Calls external merge tools to help 
resolve conflicts", if terse, is clear. I suppose I was confused by the 
name, but callexternalmergetool would have been a bit too long to type, 
I suppose... :-)

What I meant is that the tool could have went a step further, doing the 
merge command first, then calling the tool. Although I suppose now you 
have to separate the steps when there are several files to solve.


Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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