[MERGE] Fix for bug 183831
Geoff Bache
geoff.bache at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 22:56:14 BST 2009
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Geoff Bache wrote:
>>> Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> "Their tests" as in "their runs of the tests". It would be nice if I
>> as a newbie could run the tests and know that failures were my fault,
>> rather than having to also run them on unchanged code and compare the
>> output.
> You can usually tell by the name of the failed test.
But in this case two of them were not tests for the plugins concerned,
they were generic tests.
>> I don't really understand it.
>> In any case, this seems to be part of a long discussion about what to
>> do when two different Bazaar working trees are linked via symlinks.
>> Somebody suggested that that bug is a duplicate of this one, but it
>> really isn't as far as I can see.
> Oh. In your initial email, you referred to "183831 and the various
> duplicates", so I thought you agreed.
But that bug isn't actually marked as a duplicate. It was only
suggested as one in a comment. There are 3 other "real duplicates".
>> The situation I'm trying to fix is far simpler and (I would guess) far
>> more common and is nothing to do with how Bazaar version-controls
>> symbolic links. In this case the symbolic link is just part of the
>> full path to the working tree (usually because of disk volume mounting
>> in my case).
> That is not the case that this bug discusses. This bug discusses the
> unwanted traversal of symlinks. When "bzr add"ing a symlink, you do not
> want bzr to follow the symlink and add the referenced file. You want to
> add the symlink itself.
> Since you weren't trying to solve this bug, it was hard to see how your
> solution could make sense. In fact, traversing symlinks
> inappropriately is the cause of bug 183831.
Now I'm even more confused. As far as I can see bug 183831 (the bug
*I'm* trying to fix) is caused by failing to traverse an external
symlink to correctly find the relative path to the repository.
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