Last day to vote/reject on proposed EOL names

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Thu Apr 2 03:39:07 BST 2009

> NB: You can change a comment line in a script in an editor that screws
> the EOLs. Running an expensive test for this might be preferable - but
> again, I won't be able to sell the necessity to run what could be
> extensive tests for updating a piece of documentation.

I was assuming the rules for EOL handling would be stored, eventually, in
the repo, so everyone has it.  Further, it is part of the core, so there
should be no chance for the 'hooks' to not be installed.  IOW, I'm arguing
the hooks for rejection would be an integral part of EOL support.

Could you sell that bzr will refuse to allow incorrect line endings, or is
the only thing you can sell that bzr will "silently ignore them and do the
right thing"?

I think I'm still missing a key part of the picture though, as I'm not sure
what "the right thing" is in these scenarios (eg, if the user is using a
brain-dead editor, and it happens to be open while they do an update, and
the update doesn't give back the mangled thing they initially checked in,
things are already getting confused...)

I'll try and re-read some of the docs in more detail...



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